Monday, June 7, 2010


Today I am tired and in more then one way....

First off I'm just regular tired , like sleepy tired which i can deal with to a certain extent, until other things start to piss me off, like the fact that Tyler doesn't get a lunch break for a SECOND day in a row because dumb inspections at the base. Now to me this doesn't sound like a job for all those who are in the military it sounds like prison. i think if men and women are risking Their lives to protect their country they should get a damn lunch break not once every other day or once a week but EVERYDAY!

Since Tyler doesn't get his lunch break today AGAIN the only time i will be able to talk to him is at about 12:30AM my time do the people who run the military not understand how something this little effects the rest of our lives? not only does my hard working future husband not get to eat his damn sandwich but now i gotta be sure to wake my ass up at 12:30am just so i get to talk to him , that doesn't help me when i'm already tired! Plus his mom wont get to talk to him now either since she wakes her ass up early to go to work as well. it just seems redicoulous to me that the people serving our country get treated like this it really makes me mad!

You know what else makes me mad? when people have to put their 2 cents in about everything i decide to do with my life! its not like im a drug pusher or alcoholic or something, im dating someone in the military!!! if i want to move to be with him then thats what im going to do. i dont care what other people think about it because its MY life and I'M going to DO what I WANT!

now that i got that all out ... check out this Awesome Nike Commercial!!!

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